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Knockout Rose Bushes

Q.Holes in My Rose Leaves

Anonymous added on July 9, 2011 | Answered

I bought several double knock-out roses last year. They are doing well exept this year something is leaving holes in the leaves. It’s still sending out new shoots, but they also have holes in the leaves. Help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 9, 2011

If the holes in the leaves look more like clean half moon shaped cut outs, then it could be what is known as a cutter bee. They use the rose leave foliage to make their little nests. Since they are very beneficial to us, I would just leave things be and they will stop eventually. Plus, they usually will not harm the bush's health. However, if they are more round or oblong holes, it could be a caterpillar or some other not so good bug. I recommend spraying the rose bushes down with Ortho Bug B Gon Max in that case. Two sprayings may be needed to gain control. Don't spray during the heat of the day. Spray in the early morning or later in the day when the temps have cooled.

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