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Lawn Problems

Q.Holes in my backyard in the grass.

Zone Madison, New Jersey | pookie1717 added on January 7, 2019 | Answered

I found holes in my backyard. I live in Madison, New Jersey. The holes look like mud bee holes, but i think it is too cold for that to occur. The holes are numerous and they look like aeration holes…but we didn’t have that done. I’m concerned I might need an exterminator. Surrounding the holes are raised mounds. The holes look too small for mice or rodent burrowing, but perhaps that’s what they are. Any advice would be very helpful. Please see attached photos. Thanks.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 7, 2019

Moles and voles, both, can be very small. I would say that this is what is causing the issue.

If you live near an area that is populated by crawfish, they can make their way underground and burrow out.

See if you can do some digging around to see if you can find any trace of what is causing the issue. There will likely be some hint of the culprit.

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Answered on January 8, 2019

Someone mentioned they thought it might be mole crickets? What is your thoughts on that. We don't live near water so i don't think there would be crawfish. Thanks for posting to my query.

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