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Environmental Problems

Q.How Do I Cool My Green House In The USVI Summers

Anonymous added on February 3, 2022 | Answered

Dear Sir, I have a small greenhouse growing microgreens. It is 16ft (w) x 8ft (w) x 8ft (h). 10mm double wall polycarbonate sheeting slipped into aluminium frames. It has 4 roof vents and one 4 ft door. I also have 2 air circulation fans. They can be mounted high in the green house. I think that I need floor vents to pull cool air from shaded areas around the base of the green house. The frames for the polycarbonate panel are approximately 24 inches apart. Can you advise if you have a shutter and fan mechanism or a louver system that could be put into a space cut in the polycarbonate.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 4, 2022

Sorry, but we do not sell any products or recommend vendors. This website is for free garden information. Here is what we have on greenhouses that may help:



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