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Hibiscus Plants

Q.Hibiscus Was Left Out in the Frost-How to Fix-Dead Leaves, Live Branches?

Grace Kulawczyk added on November 28, 2012 | Answered

The leaves of my hibiscus plant that was left out in the frost are dead, but the branches are still pliable and green (I accidentally tore a piece of the bark of while trying to remove dead leaves and saw the green in the branches). Do I let the plant stay dormant? If so, do I water the plant or just leave it alone until spring? Should I gently prune off the dead leaves with a pair of scissors?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 29, 2012
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Answered on November 29, 2012

Hibiscus will "throw" their leaves if it gets too cold, and frost is definately too cold. You may have some tip damage that will show later. Most or all the leaves will fall off, but the plant will put new leaves back on soon. I assume that the plant is now inside. You can leave it dormant until spring, or try to encourage grrowth by keeping it in temps 60-65*F. or above and in a lot of light. Feed and water as needed. If you leave the plant dormant, let it get somewhat dry between waterings, and don't feed it. If you want a 'bushy' plant next spring, trim the tips of branches when you put it back outside.

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