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Hibiscus Plants

Q.Is it ok to propagate hibiscus in December

Zone Malta | grijos added on November 26, 2014 | Answered

Hibiscus flourishes in Malta. Is it ok to propagate or plant hibiscus in December? We have a temp of about 16 C on average. As I walk along the streets, I notice beautiful flowering hibiscus in front gardens of houses. It is easy for me to ask an owner for a few cuttings and plant them in my home. I have a small back garden. I do not possess knowledge of propagation, but would love to have one in my garden. They are such a lovely sight.

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Answered on November 27, 2014

They are lovely, and you're in the perfect spot for hibiscus. Also, propagating cuttings is a wonderful way to get free plants, and allows you to get just the sort you want, because the cutting should grow up to look just like the parent plant. So look for one that has color you like, and also has lots of flowers, for the longest season. You will need to start roots on your cuttings, and let them grow a bit, before you plant them outside. It requires a little bit of knowledge, but is not hard. Start a few more than you need, because not all cuttings actually "take." This article will give you all the information you'll need. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/hibiscus/hibiscus-propagation.htm

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