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Hibiscus Plants

Q.Hibiscus Care

hosannnah added on May 12, 2011 | Answered

I bought one late August, got lots of blooms. I placed in spot of at least 8 hrs of sun. Pruned late fall. Now I have dried stalks, no green anywhere. Not sure if this is an annual or perennial? Do I get another one and start all over? I love this plant. Can you recommend a name of the hibiscus that will come back?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 13, 2011

Without knowing where you live I can only offer you advice based on my own experience. I live in Alberta, Canada and here Hibiscus are only grown as houseplants or greenhouse plants due to our cold winters. I never cut my hibiscus back after they flowered. I fertilized them once a month using a 15-30-15 fertilizer. And I always watched them for spider mite as they are extremely suseptible to that as a house plant. If you live in a climate where these beauties grow outside year round I would suggest you not prune them back after they bloom for at least the first year so the plant can establish itself. Fertilize it to promote root growth. Once it is in its 2nd or preferable 3rd year then I would go ahead and do some light pruning to keep it at a size that works for where you have planted it. Good Luck

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