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Hibiscus Plants


Zone Phoenix, Arizona | Anonymous added on April 21, 2019 | Answered

I live near Phoenix, Arizona and my hibiscus is in a huge pot on the north side of my house. It may have been without water 5-7 days while I was out of town. (The sprinkling system may have failed, but my kind neighbor told me he watered it.) When I returned the leaves were wilted and there were many yellow leaves. It seems to be recovering, but there are lots of bare branches. It was blooming when I left but now all the blooms have fallen off. I would like to prune it but am afraid after being dry for too long, pruning will put it into shock.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 22, 2019

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Answered on April 22, 2019

Yes, I would wait to prune until next spring, before it starts to grow actively again. It will recover, and may grow slowly this year, but I would not prune it at this time.

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