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Container Hibiscus Plants


Zone Seven Valleys, PA 17360 | Anonymous added on March 6, 2018 | Answered

I have my plant in a 19″ pot. This winter all but 2 branches seem to be dead. There is NO growth. The wood is dry and brittle. The leaves on the 2 remaining branches are now starting to die also. Should I prune the dead branches within 4-5 inches of the trunk or only the traditional 1/3 off? Should I prune the branches that have leaves on them that are also dieing. Should I put it in a bigger pot?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 6, 2018

If you are going to cut the entire plant back, spring is the time to do so.
Do not repot until you at least have active growth.
Prune and wait and see.
Provide bright light and keep soil moist but not soggy.



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Container Hibiscus Plants
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