Q.Hibiscus Plants
My plants are doing real bad. The one’s leaves are all gone. I put good dirt in the pot and I’ve given it Miracle Gro. It has white stuff all over everything. . . stems, leaves, flowers. Flies are all over them and it’s starting to happen to the other ones. I sprayed it with Sevin but nothing is helping. It’s really hot and humid here. They are in the pots I got them in, sitting down in bigger pots so I can bring them inside in the winter. The one that has lost all its leaves has stems that are still green and it looks like it’s trying to grow new leaves. Please help.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yellowing and dropping of leaves indicates stress and it sounds like you have a pest problem, most likely scale, mealybugs, or aphhids. The flies are attracted to the honeydew they leave behind. Regardless of the pest, treating the plant with neem oil should help. It's safe, effective, and as a bonus can be used as a fungicide too. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htm