Q.Hi We Planted Dwarf Mondo In The Early Autumn It’s Now Midwinter Wha Do They Be Shoots Look Like Wen They Appear ??
This is the mondo and some tiny green grasses, that we think might be baby mondo shoots but we are not certain .. as these are appearing around some but only a very few of the plants of our dwarf mondo That were planted in autumn – it’s been suggested they are weeds – are you able to tell me if their New shoots or not ??
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks right to be Mondo. I would say that they look a little stressed, likely from overwatering.
Make sure that the ground has a chance to dry out, thoroughly, down to about 2 or 3 inches between watering to prevent this. They need moist soil, but the top needs to dry out, since this is where diseases will be most likely to live.
Here is an article that will help: