Q.Hi there is something wrong with my amaryllis?? I bought a amaryllis bulb and it had beautiful flowers and after New Years when t
hey were done bloomed I cut off the foliage and in dug it and put it in a paper bag until October 30th and I planted it again and few days later leafs started coming up but since then all I have are leafs and no stems for flowers yet . Is it normal or is something wrong
I think you cut back the foliage too soon. You should wait until it starts to yellow. Blooming takes a lot out of a bulb and having that time with intact leaves after flowering helps to rebuild the bulb. So it may just be too depleted to bloom right now. Whether it will bloom in a month or more is hard to predict. Here is an article on amaryllis care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/amaryllis-hippeastrum/amaryllis-care-instructions-how-to-care-for-an-amaryllis.htm