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Fig Tree

Q.fig tree has grown too tall to harvest fruit

Zone Cape west coast South Africa | dheesomgreen@gmail.com added on April 9, 2015 | Answered

My fig tree has grown too tall to harvest fruit. May I cut it back down to an acceptable height? Also, this year the tree was very leafy and beautiful, but fruit was drier and smaller than last.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 9, 2015

How tall is your fig tree? Since your aim is to reduce height, you will want to focus on the vertical shoots from the upper limbs and remove those shoots that exceed your desired height. Remove the shoots completely, cutting all the way back to where the shoot originates to prevent sprouts from a new growing tip. And any pruning should preferably be done while the tree is dormant.

Here is an article on why fig trees produce small figs:

For more information on pruning fig trees, please visit the following link:

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