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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How do I prune an overgrown weeping willow?

Zone County wexford, Ireland | Babyshnipe added on March 29, 2015 | Answered

I rescued a weeping willow from a disused garden. It had grown out of shape and was a bit of a mess. It is approx. 7 yrs. old. It has thrived now but being new to this I need help to prune it. I have read your piece on it but, unfortunately, I have let loads of shoots grow from the bottom. They are 3 ft long now. Any suggestions on getting it back to shape without harming it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 29, 2015

If your tree is still dormant, I would go ahead and prune the tree to it's desired shape. Your aiming for a single trunk.

If the shoots you are referring to are just coming from the ground, trim them off at the ground level. This is common for willows to send shoots up from the roots, and they should be removed as soon as you see them.

Here are a few links.



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