Q.Hi! I Live In Zone 7b, I Bought A Box Of Bulbs Last Year, But I Never Got Around To Planting Them. Will They Be Ok To Plant At The
end of this year (Nov /Dec) or should I try plant them now? I was trying to get the bed free of ivy and other weeds but it seems like a loosing battle. Any tips on that? One other thing is that I am pregnant and baby is due in Sep! I am not sure how much time I will have once he is born. Thank you for your time! ❤️

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If the soil is not frozen, you can plant them now. If the soil is frozen, wait till it thaws to plant them (see the article below about storing them in fridge till the ground thaws). Since you need to plant the bulbs right away, the fastest way to get rid of the weeds is to spray the area with glyphosate (but the temperature needs to be above 50 degrees F.). Wait about a week to plant after spraying the weeds. Read and follow all label directions before using any insecticides.