Q.Hi, I Have A Large Area That Was Filled With Mainly Coarse Pine Bark And Rubble. No Wonder The Plants Aren’t Doing Well! How Can
I facilitate the fast(er) breakdown of the bark, from the surface; it’s not just a mulch, it’s being used as ‘soil’ and is 20- 50 cm deep. Tasmania i.e. cooler climate. Watering system available. Some established plants.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 27, 2021
I suggest raking out about 1/3 to 1/2 of the mulch and rubble and then adding a mixture of topsoil and compost. Be extra careful around any established plants not to disturb the roots. Then you can add a couple inches back of the mulch if it can be separated from the rubble.
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