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Q.Hi Gardening Knowhow. Is This Plant A Variety Of Periwinkle/vinca? The Flowers Are More Clustered And Leaves Longer Than Most Imag

Zone Kent | mattmeek72 added on July 13, 2020 | Answered

images I can find online. But it is a pretty pest I need to control . Many thanks in anticipation of your response. I have attached a photo. Matt from Kent.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 13, 2020

No. It looks like a variety of garden phlox. You could probably find people who would take that off your hands. It's a good pollinator plant for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

You can dig it up to eliminate it or spray with herbicide, or douse it with boiling water. There is an old fashioned garden phlox that is invasive but it is very tall, at least 3 feet. Maybe it's just the angle of the photo but yours doesn't look that tall. I have had to take radical measures with it before.

If you have a corner of your yard where it could run rampant, it could be moved there.


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