Q.coleus clippings indoors
A friend gave me 2 clippings of a coleus plant just as the high western Canadian arctic winter has started, so it is indoors for the year. I would like any advice on growing this beauty indoors in a part of the country where we only get a few hours light a day and even less sun (my windows don’t get direct sunlight). Will they survive? They survived the planting into soil well 1 day ago, and the leaves are back to being nice and perky. Despite the name, I really don’t know much, lol! Oh, how should I water these guys?
If you don't have any sunny windows, you're going to need to provide supplemental lighting: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/fluorescent-lighting-for-indoor-gardening.htm
With a little extra light, the coleus cuttings should come through the winter fine: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/foliage/coleus/overwintering-coleus.htm
The biggest secret to keeping houseplants, after making sure they have enough light, is to not overwater them. You can get an electronic moisture meter in any plant store, which will tell you how much moisture is in the soil. For coleus, don't water until the meter reads "damp," then water until you get a little runoff from the drainage holes. Here's more information on taking care of houseplants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/basic-care-of-houseplants.htm