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Arboricola Plants

Q.Heptapleurum Arboricola

Anonymous added on April 14, 2011 | Answered

I have this plant. Its leaves are covered with small brown dots. Some places look shiny, like it is sticky. I have found several on the plant and the plant table I have it on gets coated with a rough covering like a very fine dripping from the plant. The table is glass and I have to clean it regularly. Is this normal for the plant? It never really looks very healthy, as it sort of droops more than the ones I see other places. I would appreciate any insight you may be able to give me with this sketchy description.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 15, 2011

Look for scale insects along the stem and on the leaves. That is the number one problem with this plant species. If scale is not the problem, you may have spider mites feeding on the leaf undersides. Look for little webbing on the leaf edges. Mist the foliage with distilled water at least three or four times a week. If this doesn't stop the sticky dripping, you may need to consider getting rid of it. In the meantime, an old sheet or tablecloth under the leaves to protect your table.

For help in dealing with these pests, here are some articles that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/scale-bug-how-to-control-plant-scale.htm

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