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Vinca Vine

Q.Help with vinca plants and the heavy rains in Columbia SC.

Zone Columbia SC 29212 | Wells0412 added on June 11, 2019 | Answered

Our Garden Club has just planted a neighborhood garden. The plants we chose were Vinca as the annual. We did purchase the plants from a reputable nursery and planted as we would normally plant. For the first two weeks the garden looked beautiful . Since planting, we have torrential rain in SC for the past week and more to come. I visited the garden today and the vinca have not done well. The leaves are totally dropped. Should I just leave the plants alone and let them recover on their own? Looking forward to your recommendations

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 11, 2019

It is best to let them proceed naturally from here. Since they are annuals. Once they die off, you can begin to plant winter crops.

This article will give you a good list of things that look good year-round: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/gardening-by-zone/zone-7/zone-7-year-round-plants.htm

I would also make sure to amend the soil when you know it will be wet for long periods of time. DOLOMITIC LIME, and WETTABLE SULFUR will be best suited for wet areas. This will prevent/kill any bad microbes in the soil, as well as condition it for planting, providing trace minerals, and extra protection.

Do this once per year to prevent infections of soil.

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