Q.Help with Planting!
I have 2 sets of questions.
Q1: I have planted some BULBS of various flowers, each species to their own pot. I planted them at depths and distance apart as per online instructions from various gardening sites. They are all outdoor hardy or half hardy plants and most are perennials. Should I keep them inside until the bulbs sprout, or are they ok to leave outside (even by night, I’m in Ireland CO Kerry and the current day temp is approx 13 Celsius)? It’s very sunny.
Q2: I have planted SEEDS also, lobelia, geranium, foxglove, pansy, forget me not. I have planted them in plastic containers and covered them with cling film and stored them in an airing press to allow them to germinate. How often should I water them? Should I just mist them with water? I know to move them to a sunny window once they sprout, but I’m confused about watering.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Q1: The bulbs can stay outside as long as they are cold hardy bulbs (daffodils, tulips, etc.). If they are plants that cannot stay out normally over winter, I would bring those in at night until the night time temps reach 13 C. Q2: Keep the soil for the seeds moist. Check them daily and if you see them start to get dry on top of the soil, water them. You can slowly pour water on them or you can mist the soil. Once they sprout, you can still mist them, but if you use mist, make sure that they are in a well ventilated area so that the seedlings dry quickly and do not develop a fungus.