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Yucca Plants

Q.Help with my yucca

Zone 55077 | maltesebud added on July 7, 2019 | Answered

I removed all the fronts because they were laying separate and mushy. I’m thinking it rotted some? It’s hard in the center, it ’s above the soil and I feel like I could split it? Is that possible? Is there a way to save it? I have some kind of wild grass growing around it now!?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 9, 2019

Your plant actually looks very healthy in this image.

With the ground cover that you have there; it may be worth checking on the soil moisture levels. Root rot from poorly draining soil certainly would be a cause of mushy leaves.
Propagating or dividing pups from the main plant is how you would generally propagate Yucca.
These links will help you.


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