Q.Help With Fern Leaf Bleeding Hearts. Sprout And Die But Will Sprout Again.
I’ve had two plants for several years and not found a spot their happy. I now have them in pots so I can monitor them better. But same results. Grew and now withering I am confused. Not overwatered and not too much sun. Even had them inside away from the extreme heat. The other bleeding hearts are all done for the year and dying back. I hope you can help or this is their last chance.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. This sounds like an infection, whether bacterial or fungal. Typically, this is caused by overwatering.
It is important to let soil dry out, thoroughly, down to 2 or 3 inches between watering. If soil remains moist, then roots can not exchange gasses, or take up nutrients. This leaves the soil susceptible to infection.
I would recommend treating with a fungicide and making sure to let the soil dry out quite thoroughly between watering.
Using a moisture meter might be your best bet here.
Here are some articles that will help: