Q.Help With Dying Sapling
Hello. I have a little Apple tree that has severe chlorosis and most of its leaves are gone. The remaining have yellow veins and an overall yellow color to the leaf. I really do not want this to die and any help would be appreciated. I tried lowering the Ph of the soil because it was too high using something with 55% sulfur and I think around 30% iron and I gave it some high nitrogen fertilizer. I am not sure what else to do and I fear its about to die and I can’t let that happen. I will provide some pictures.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You have to get it out of that soil, pretty immediately! It is necessary to test the soil for deficiencies and pH issues before adding anything, and after several times. This will ensure that the delicate balance of the soil is not thrown off.
Plant in a good mix of compost and potting soil, and use a fertilizer designed for fruit trees, until you get familiar with mixing one of your own.
The first thing to consider with apples is their high light requirement. This means full sun. Even if it gets sun all day through a window, often it will not be enough. Window light is still filtered to some degree.
I would get it into some fresh soil, and water ONLY when the soil is completely dry down to about 2 inches. Make sure that container has drainage holes in the bottom to allow any extra water out. Roots will rot otherwise, and I suspect root damage already.
Here is an article that will help you with the care of the tree:https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/apples/container-grown-apple-trees.htm