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Weed Control

Q.Help! Weeds Growing Like Crazy In My Garden

Zone 46383 | hacohen87 added on May 5, 2020 | Answered

I purchased a home last summer that had a blind elderly gentlemen living in it for decades. That being said, the gardening was neglected for quite sometime. The backyard landscaping is all rocks, but coming through are countless weeds. No matter how many times I clear them out after spending hours of pulling, within a week or so they’re back. if I dig down a good 6+ inches I discover a shredded black weed barrier/tarp. I first had the idea that I would just dig up all the rocks, put down a new barrier, then put the rocks back as it is impossible to throw them out in my area, but after spending a good three hours and only getting about 12 square feet done due to the depth and debris, it doesn’t seem logical. Any tips or ideas on how I can rid the garden of the weeds? I’d love to plant and make it beautiful, but I need to tackle this first. Thanks!

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