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Q.Help Removing A Cactus Offshoot To Create A New Cactus.

Zone 29650 | Anonymous added on May 1, 2021 | Answered

My main cactus has gotten very large and has many full-sized offshoots. I would like to replant the offshoots to allow the mother plant to have more nutrients and have a chance to terror. Other details to note are that the mother plant was recently repotted and is still wobbly from the repotting. I have several questions about the process and I have attached a picture of my cactus in its current state. 1. Are any of the cactus pups ready to be removed in the picture? 2. How/when to remove the pups? Or are they limbs? 3. Should I be concerned about my cactus being wobbly? 4. How long before the cactus pup will plant roots and be safe to exist out in the sun?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 4, 2021
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