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Lemon Trees

Q.Help! Pruning My Lemon Tree

Zone 32563 | Anonymous added on April 5, 2021 | Answered

I actually grew this lemon tree from a seed. I plan on planting it soon but this crazy growth from 2 stems off of the original stem has me perplexed. The leaves off of the shoots seem so much bigger and growing much faster than the original stem, so now I’m afraid to trim anything! I could use some advice on what and where to trim. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I’ve included some pictures. k

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 6, 2021

Since those wild shoots are growing vigorously, they will probably overtake the central stem you have which looks good. Plus, if you leave them, you will have more of a shrub than a tree. You could actually cut the suckers off and try rooting them for more trees. Read these two articles and determine if you should cut the suckers off. (However, your tree does not have a graft.) According to these, suckers coming from the base of the tree always should be removed. .

Also, I would remove the leaves that have those yellow spots on them, unless they all have it. Could be a fungal infection.

If you want to get fruit sooner than 15 years, you can graft your tree onto a rootstock. You can buy a dwarf lemon like a Meyer and do it, or you can buy rootstocks from nurseries. Then you should have fruit in about 5 years.






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