Q.Help! My plant just finished blooming(flowers died) and I cut back to the bulb the long green leaves of the plant. I know your not
supposed to do that but treat it like a house plant until the leaves die. What should I do now since I cut them all the way down?

Unfortunately, you don't say the plant's name. Nevertheless, all you can do is fertilize it if you haven't already done so this spring, keep the soil moist and wait. In about two weeks, you may see new leaves poking through. Plant roots are pretty depleted from flowering so leaving the leaves intact allows the plant to re-plenish roots and sustain the plant through winter. If new leaves sprout, there is enough time this growing season to do this. If no leaves sprout, the plant may wait until next spring. It will be weak and may not flower next year if this is the case. Only time will tell. Good luck.