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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Help!! My golden pothos has holes

Zone Santa Barbara, CA | foote_robyn added on November 29, 2015 | Answered

So I recently bought a golden pathos plants from a nursery here in Santa Barbara, CA. It is a houseplant. I repotted it in a plastic pot with holes along the rim at the bottom for drainage. I use Miracle-Gro Moisture Control potting soil and Dr. Earth all-purpose fertilizer. I have the plant set on a relatively high shelf right next to the window that doesn’t get much direct sunlight.

I’ve noticed that several of the leaves have these brown-rimmed holes on the inside of the leaf, and others have chunks of the leaf removed from their outer ends. The leaves don’t feel dry; however, some do have slightly brownish tips but it doesn’t seem too noticeable.

My questions are, am I doing something wrong to the plant? Or is this some sort of mechanical issue? Also I only water it when the top of the soil seems dry, but is it possible that the plant is still getting over watered? And my last question is, what should I do with the leafs that have these brown spots?

Thank you for your help and time! I am a new plant owner and somewhat inexperienced.

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Answered on November 29, 2015
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