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Cherry Trees

Q.Help identify this potential pest!!

Zone Rockledge, fl, 32955 | dkamarinos added on February 21, 2018 | Answered

This insect is slender and is well camouflaged as it tucks it’s body tightly on a twig.. I’ve found one on one of my crabapples, two on my cherries, and one on my crape myrtle. The insect is always in close proximity to a cocoon-like structure which I think is where the pupae/eggs are. Please help me identify, I have yet not been able to locate it by doing research..

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 22, 2018

If you can include a picture then it will be very helpful. It almost sounds like you are describing a mantis, which are very beneficial to plants.

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