Q.Help Identify plants sprouting in my window sill garden!
I have downloaded apps to research the images I have posted on forums with photographs I have put it on Instagram with Hashtags & No oneSeemsToKnowWhatHasBeenGrowingInMyWindowsillPotsI’veOnlyEverUsedPottingSoilGerminatedStrawberrySeedsPlantedThoseAndTheMostRandomPlantsI’veEverSeenHaveSproutedAndArePoppingUpNowAndIDon’tKnowWhatTheyAreandNo oneCanSeemToTellMeTheInternetHasNoAnswersIReallyNeedHelpThank you
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The first one looks to be a type of Lithops seedling, but there is a chance that it could be a defective early flowering mulberry seedling. It happens on occasion. It is noteworthy that anything in the Cannabaceae family can have these types of flowers. This includes the Hackberry and several other trees.
The second is a pepper.
The third is in the mint family, but that's as far as you will get here. Seedling pictures of anything in the mint family will be very difficult to pin down.
The last picture appears to be a football player.
Low quality soils are very notorious for having weeds present. You can pasteurize the soil at 180 degrees F for 3 hours to kill off anything that shouldn't be there.