Q.Help! Half Of My Hydrangea Died!
I planted five hydrangeas last year and one on the end just about died I think. Three of the other hydrangeas (the ones in the middle are doing amazing) and the one on the other end has a ton of leaves and bloomed much later than the others. This one though only got one stalk with leaves and huge blooms. It’s a bobo. What can I do to help it? See pic.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It would seem that the environmental conditions may vary, just slightly, in this spot.
Sometimes, just a little too much sun or heat may cause stunting. It may be that this spot is just a little brighter, or hotter, than the rest.
It will likely fill in, just not as fast as the others. Just provide proper care, and shade if possible.
Here is an article that will help you to care for hydrangeas.