Q.Help For My Kalanchoe Plant
Hello. I’m having a difficult time with my Kalanchoe plant, but I don’t want it to completely give up on me. Currently, all of my mature stems only have thick green leaves at the top of them, and the rest of the stems are bare; the leaves are dying slowly upward, but there is some new growth. There are also new stems with healthy leaves, but some of those have lost lower leaves. The mature stems have brown lines on the lower portion of them, while the upper portions are green. One of the mature stems as two new leaves starting to grow at its bare base. There are also brown lines on the lower portion of a couple of the young stems, while the rest of the stems are green. Some of the new stew stems have lost lower leaves as well. 🥺 Please help. I pray this plant can thrive again, because I don’t want it to die. Can you help?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It probably is getting too much water. Cut back on the watering - wait till the soil is dry between watering - and make sure to empty the tray under the pot. Don't let water accumulate there because the roots will suck it back up.
Once you get the watering under control and the plant looks better, you can break off some of the top stems to encourage the lower stems to leaf out again. You can start new plants with the pieces you break off.
If the soil is having a hard time drying out and the plant begins to look worse, remove it from the container and shake off the soil. Clean the container and refill with soil designed for succulents and repot.
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