Q.I live in Brooklyn, N.Y. and have a shady site
I planted a healthy “gilium odoratum” sweet woodruff on April 24 and then basically haven’t monitored it, unfortunately. I just noticed many of its leaves are browning and it’s not a happy camper, looking a bit straggly too, although not dead yet! We’ve had some horrible heat waves but a lot of rain on some days. The light on it is, I think, light shade. Overhead tall trees, dappled, maybe a bit of direct sun in afternoon – I will notice this in next few days. Maybe the site was too light? I just gave it a good watering. Should I also cut it down by half? It is about 8″ now. Thanks for suggestions for a novice gardener (besides not caring for my plants, I’ve learning my lesson), Linda
It could be a lack of water if the area consists of dry shade. In temps over 85 degrees F., most plants require additional watering to keep their roots cool. Without enough water, especially in high heat, your plant will suffer as yours seems to be. Additionally, anything newly planted requires more water as the roots become established.
If a lack of watering does not seem to be the issue (for instance, if you've had an abundance of rain), then it could have a fungus of some kind. Treat the plant with a fungicide, like neem oil, and see if this helps. Also, remove any dead growth to on and around the plant.