Q.Hello, I have a 26 year old saguaro cactus the is starting to become brown and rotting in the middle.
I have had this cactus since the second grade when our teacher gave us seeds as a class project and I really do not want to lose it. I’ve read about sulfur powder and cutting it off above the rotted section? Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.
From an Arizona publication:
Some nursery owners recommended a treatment called “digging in.’
A spoon is used to scoop out all the black gunk until healthy flesh is reached.
Then a mix of peroxide and water is used to sterilize the area. Next, it is dusted with sulfur, which is washed off after 10 to 15 minutes.
The Cooperative Extension Service suggests similar treatment, except it recommends using a sterilizing mix composed of one part household bleach to nine parts water.