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Milkweed Plants

Q.Hello ! I grow milkweed for Monarchs, I am having a problem with aphids. Any suggestions, please ?

Zone St . Catharines Ontario Canada | jpirate18f added on July 17, 2019 | Answered

I have tried to cut infested leaves off . Normally I would treat with insecticidal soap .

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 18, 2019

Glad you are helping the monarchs! I grow milkweed too and have the same problem with aphids. Most of the time if I just wait it out, the ladybugs and other aphid predators will get them, and quickly too. If it really bothers you, try hosing them off, or pinching them off with a napkin. Be sure to have plants available that attract ladybugs like fennel, dill, marigolds and chives. Also, I don't see aphids as much on asclepias tuberosa (orange butterfly weed).

Here is more info on attracting ladybugs:

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