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Wisteria Vines

Q.Hello – I Bought Some Standard Trees Earlier This Year (in Pots) All Seem To Have Or Are Near Dying Now

Zone London | Anonymous added on November 3, 2020 | Answered

Trees are – Standard Wisteria sinensis Tree / Standard Ceanothus / Standard Salix Kilmarnock / Lavender stoechas Toscane 12 cm Pot – I used good quality compost – though pots are ceramic and have no drainage I was careful in summer to not overwater because of this and they were doing well – now the weather has turned I don’t know what to do – I think the lavender has completely died – the pussy willow one all leaves are brown but new buds look like they are there – the wisteria is still green at moment but looking sad – help would be appreciated thank you

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 3, 2020

These plants are deciduous and will go into dormancy in the winter. They should all come back in spring. The lavender may or may not, depending on how cold it gets this winter. You could overwinter it inside.
I would get them into some pots with drainage holes.

and here is an article about how to get your plants safely through the winter:




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