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Fig Tree

Q.Healthy Fig Tree Bears Many Beautiful Fruit That Are Dry Inside Year After Year.

Zone Auburn CA 95603 | Anonymous added on December 4, 2020 | Answered

I found this little tree when I was clearing blackberry from my newly acquired land.
It grew quickly on its own and produces beautiful figs. They show development inside, but are dry and inedible. Are they male trees? Is there a nutritional problem? Is it because it is “wild” ? They have been growing for 18 years and I am finally planning to cut it down unless I can change the conditions enough to make good fruit.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 7, 2020

Since this is an ongoing situation, you probably have a male fig tree. A male tree will not ever produce good, edible figs and its only job is to pollinate a female tree. You might consider adding a female nearby.

Here's an article that will help:

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