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Squash Plants

Q.Have I Ruined My Squash Plants?

taartt added on April 19, 2011 | Answered

I manipulated some of my squash plant’s leaves so they wouldn’t cover a couple of my pepper plants. Some of the stems broke.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 21, 2011

It depends on where you broke them and how completely they were broke. If the break happened further down the plant and there are plenty of leaves behind the break, then the plant will like grow branches and be fine. If the stem was bent rather than severed, straighten it out as best you can and it may recover. To help it further, bury the damaged part of the stem under some soil.

If the main stem was severed and there are few leaves behind where it was broken, then you may need to replace the plant.

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