Q.HAve I killed my Dahlia tuber?
I grew a dahlia(Jescott Julie) last year for the first time and adored it! We have heavy clay soil so duly lifted it,cleaned and hung it upside down in a string bag in the kitchen to dry. However then I er..accidentally totally forgot about it and it is still there. I can’t really tell if it is ‘too’ wrinkly or not and was wondering what I can do to test if I’ve killed it or if it will grow again this year? If the former I need to buy another tuber but as we have a teeny garden in the north of England I haven’t really space for 2
any comments gratefully received
Lesley Edwards
If it is time to pot up the tuber, soak it in water overnight first. Wrinkles are less of a problem than rot which would be easily identifiable. If it is too early to pot up, place the tuber in peat moss (I use a shoe box; don't use plastic) Spritz the peat lightly - just a hint of moisture. Tuck the box away where it is cool and dry.
Here is a good deal of detail on dahlia care: https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-store-dahlia-tubers-for-winter-2132882