Q.Have a bush/shrub/vine in backyard that did not shed leaves. What should I do it for it?
Bought a house in the fall with a beautiful annual garden with extensive amounts of annuals, trees and shrubs. I need help. First issues/question: a shrub/vine didn’t shed its leaves over the winter, I suspect because of its location it didn’t have adequate wind to blow the leaves off; should I do anything to it such as use a blower to remove leaves, fertilize or just leave it be?
This is difficult to tell what you have growing in this garden! It appears you may have Clematis Vine, as the twirly seed heads are visible in one image.
Pruning of these can be different between varieties and it is not uncommon for leaves to remain on the vine.
The thorned stems could be Roses or even berries.
This may be a spring of waiting until perennials emerge and making plant identifications. Then you can determine care including pruning.
If you had annuals, those would have been planted for one season. Annuals do not generally come back unless they reseed.