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Q.Harvesting shallots

Zone Latrobe Valley, Victoria | apg305 added on November 17, 2014 | Answered

Our shallots have all got seed pods at the top and have not yet started to wilt or die off – is this normal? I thought they would be like onions/garlic and just die off – but not the seed pods on top.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 19, 2014

Doing some research through the web, I see that seed pods on shallots is not all that common, but that some varieties are much more likely to make seeds than others. Many people snip off the seed heads when they form, to force the plant to devote energy to making bulb instead of seed. Some found that shallots left with seed heads on tended to rot in the ground. Others found that seed heads can be left to go brown, then snapped off and the shallot harvested. It seems the experience depends most often on variety, but is essentially mysterious. If you know what variety of shallot you have, you might seek more information specific to it. Otherwise, here is general information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/shallot/harvest-a-shallot-plant.htm

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