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Hyacinth Plant

Q.harvesting okra

Zone wetumka, ok | veramommav added on December 2, 2016 | Answered

I have an issue with my okra not drying out on the plant. They are starting to mold. Lots have already died but not drying out. I have collected some that dried out fine but still have over 1/2 of my okra plants with okra. I haven’t done anything to/for them in over a couple weeks now. What can I do to get them to dry? If there is anything I can do please share your knowledge.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 2, 2016

This might be because of your climate. You could either eat them fresh or harvest any non-moldy pods now and then try to dry them indoors. Since so many are going moldy, I wouldn't recommend leaving them on the plant any longer.

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