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Q.Harvesting Gladiolus for Winter and Spring Planting

Anonymous added on April 16, 2012 | Answered

I pulled up my glads over the winter and stored them. I would like to know how to plant the new bulbs. I’ve sorted them by size and now I need some help with planting them. This is my first year with a flower garden, so help would be fantastic.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 17, 2012

Plant in the spring once the threat of cold has ceased and the ground has significantly warmed up. Glads require well-drained soil to prevent them from rotting. To improve the quality of your soil, you can work in some sand and compost. Depending on the variety, most are planted in a sunny location of the garden, usually half as deep as their expected overall height (or 4-6 in.). Always place bulbs with the points facing upward, while corms should be placed with the depression facing upward. Cover with a layer of mulch and water thoroughly after planting.

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