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Ginger Plants

Q.Harvesting Ginger

Zone 84532 | BettyLipton added on March 9, 2018 | Answered

Hi! Thanks so much for your informative and detailed article on growing ginger! In your article, in the section on when to harvest, you state, “Your ginger plant will be ready for harvest in the spring, or you can let it grow through the next summer for a larger harvest.” Does this mean, that if I plant this spring of 2018, for a larger harvest, I can harvest at the end summer of 2019? Or does that mean that for a larger harvest, I should harvest at the end of summer 2020?

Thanks again!
—Becky Chase

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 9, 2018

Oops! I meant to ask, if I plant ginger in spring of 2018, can I harvest at the end of summer of 2018, (that same year) for a larger harvest, or should I wait until the end of summer in the next year, which would mean end of summer 2019. Sorry for the confusion in my question!

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