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Dill Plants

Q.Harvesting Dill Weed

Zone 5 | joanmaass@yahoo.com added on July 20, 2011 | Answered

My dill is maturing quickly; what do I do to get the same “dill weed” that they sell at the store? They are very tiny pieces. How do I get that? I want to put some up for future use. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 21, 2011

I think you are probably talking about dill seed that you can buy in the store. That's what you see on the ends of your dill. The ends look rather like feathers with tiny seeds attached. I regularly plant this lovely herb in and among my cucumbers, not only does it smell wonderful, I have fresh dill on hand for my pickle recipes and dill is also a great insect repellent.
See this article for tips on how harvest and preserve your dill:


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