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Broccoli Plants

Q.Harvesting Broccoli

Anonymous added on January 4, 2014 | Answered

I planted broccoli seeds about two months ago in 18″ clay pots and while the plants have grown well and look healthy, I still don’t see any signs of broccoli yet. I’m worried that I may not be doing something right because the plants are growing continuously and are about 8″ to 10″ high, constantly bringing out new leaves and yet there are no signs of the heads forming. The temperatures here in Karachi are roughly 26 degrees C. max and go to about 10 at night. There is ample sunshine from morning till about afternoon in the space where the pots are placed. I water them generously everyday. Have I missed out on something or just being impatient? Thanks for your help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 4, 2014

26 degrees C. may be a bit too warm for them. They form heads in cooler weather, and best in temps below 22 degrees C. You can help to encourage them to form heads by keeping the roots cooler. Since you are growing in containers, I have heard of people putting a few ice cubes on top of the soil during the day to help keep the roots cool and encourage head forming.

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