Q.Harlequin Glorybower
I had wonderful luck back in the Carolinas with my harlequin glory bower. They were great understory trees to have in front the tall spindly long needle pine trees. They flower extensively I moved to camano Island in the Puget Sound. My son gave me one 6 years ago . This year is the first time it flowered but only a few. Also the first year there were sprouts. What can I do to help it flower more? Thanks in advance, Mary Michel

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It will come down to environmental conditions for this one! It Does enjoy a bit of shade, so providing a little during the middle of the day might help it some.
The next thing to check will be soil fertility. Many times, excess nitrogen can be the cause of this. I would conduct a soil sample and test for deficiencies, toxicity, pH swings, or other issues that may be causing this in the soil.
They do not like, constantly wet soil. They are well adapted and can withstand mild drought conditions, so letting them dry out, thoroughly, or only providing water during drought will be beneficial.
Here are some articles that will help:
This article will help you with the care of the shrub: