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Container Hibiscus Plants

Q.Hard Pruning of Tropical Hibiscus?

Zone 7 | jtnv added on January 26, 2013 | Answered

I have a 5 year old yellow, tropical hibiscus. It is potted and is about 6 feet tall. I need a shorter tree. The trunk is about 1. 5 or 2 inches in diameter. What would happen to the tree if I cut it off at about 2. 5 foot? That will completely be-head the tree. Will this kill it?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 28, 2013
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Answered on January 27, 2013

jtnv, first ? came thru...all it said was, "null". Thanks for reposting. Instead of taking your plant to 2.5 feet, please consider 3.5-4 feet. Generally taking off more than 1/3 of a plant isn't that good of an idea. The plant will send out shoots in no time, and become bushy. When tthe new growth gets to the size you want, start trimming again. But, only trim 1/4 of the plant at a time. By trimming just a few stems at a time, the plant won't look like it's been scalped. Trim them back by 1/2. As soon as you see those starting new growth, trim some more in the same manner. You should be able to keep your hibiscus "in bounds" by doing it this way. However, it won't bloom as much. If you want more blooms, the "scalping method" will look harsher, but won't have to be done more than once a year.

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