Q.Hard pruning a dwarf burning bush
My dwarf burning bush hedge row was hard pruned in August. Will it grow back or is the hedge row doomed?

It isn't easy to kill Euonymus alatus, aka burning bush. That is the good news. Of course, August is not a good time for pruning but done is done. I would take corrective measures when the plant is dormant this winter. Trim back top-growth so sunlight can penetrate down to the cut back area. Sunlight is crucial to new growth making it. Any old, thick branches can be removed to the ground. Unfortunately, new growth now, spurred by the pruning, may not have time to harden off before winter. In my city, it is the homeowner's obligation to keep plants from encroaching on the sidewalk or obstructing the view for cars backing out of driveways. Make sure your shrubs will be in compliance when they re-grow. It may be time to move them back.