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Q.hanging flower baskets in tree filled yard

Anonymous added on July 12, 2015 | Answered

Our yard is filled with huge maple trees. We have almost no sun at all. But I want beautiful hanging flower baskets to put on the trees that line the driveway. For the past two years, all have died. First year we tried trailing geraniums, and this year we tried the impatiens that are supposed to do well in shade. They just stopped flowering altogether. Please help me choose something for next spring that I can put out there that will be beautiful and thrive. Thank you so much.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 13, 2015

Perhaps some of the suggestions (near the bottom for shade) in this article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/containers/hanging-basket-plants.htm

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